the project 1

TU Delft AiTech (2018-current). AiTech is TU Delft's multidisciplinary research program on awareness, concepts, and design & engineering of autonomous technology under meaningful human control. Today’s engineers create systems that are ever more equipped with artificial intelligent technologies. Meaningful human control is particularly important in cases of failures or conflicts with the normative foundations of society, social conventions, and human acceptability. Our aim is to provide answers to 'how to' build autonomous intelligent systems that collaborate with humans towards societal and economic prosperity and the sustainable development of our planet.

Responsible Value Creation Using Big Data (VWdata) Program (2017-2020). Coordinator and chairman of the steering board of the start impulse program as part of the Dutch National Research Agenda, and in particular the route 'Creating value through responsible access to and use of big data' (2.5 MEuro program).

COMMIT/ demo collection       How to valorize your research

COMMIT/ Program (2011-2017) Co-director of the national ICT program COMMIT/ (110 MEuro program), bringing together scientific research, non-profit organisations and companies in ICT projects within the nine most important economic sectors in the Netherlands in order to research and develop ground-breaking products and services. Click for COMMIT/ intro movie.
THeCS project

Trusted Healthcare Services (TheCS) Project (2012-2017). Participant in the COMMIT project that researches domain specific identity management techniques and validation techniques for the healthcare sector. The project develops new breakthrough technology that enables privacy-preserving data mining and social networking focusing on their efficiency and applicability to real-life health-care scenarios(6 MEuro project).

EWIDS project

Extreme Wireless Distributed Systems (EWiDS) Project (2012-2016). Participant in the COMMIT research project with the focus of protocols, data processing, and privacy in extremely large wireless distributed sensor networks (6 MEuro project).

PetaMedia project

EU PetaMedia Project (2008-2011). Coordinator of the EU Network of Excellence Peer-to-Peer Tagged Media, promoting research that improves user access to multimedia via the combination of multimedia content, user-derived annotations and the structures of peer-to-peer and social networks (3 MEuro project).
Kindred Spirits Project (2010-2013) Coordinator of an STW/Sentinels research project with the focus of improving privacy in online social networks.

Encrypted Signal Processing paper

SPEED Project (2007-2009) Participant in an EU FET project, focussing on signal processing in the encrypted domain. The objective was to research signal processing and cryptographic techniques and algorithms that make possible the processing of signals in encrypted form.

Freeband project

Freeband Program (2004-2009). Chairman of the Board of the national research program Freeband on communication technology. Click for an intro movie on Freeband's Ambient Life.

I-Share project

I-Share Project (2004-2009) Coordinator of the project I-Share of the program Freeband. Sharing resources in virtual communities. Our focus is on video compression (multiple description coding, distributed source coding) and content identification (fingerprinting, watermarking) in distributed systems such as peer-to-peer file sharing system and mobile networks. The Tribler P2P system resulted from this project.

Cactus project

CACTUS Project (2003-2006). Coordinator of the project on context aware communications, terminal and user, focusing on technological and usability aspects of human-computer and computer-network interaction with personalized, intelligent and context-aware wearable devices in ad-hoc wireless environments.

Watermarking project

Certimark Project (2000-2002). Participant in an EU/STREP project on certification of watermarking techniques, focusing on technologies and standards for certifying digital image and video watermarks.

UbiCom Program (1997-2002). Coordinator of TU Delft's Ubiquitous Communications, a multidisciplinary research program that investigated 3G/4G communications in the early days, with specific interest for mobile augmented reality.

Watermarking project

SMASH and STORit Projects (1995-2000). Participant in two EU project on end-to-end solutions for the delivery of multimedia services. One of the first EU projects in which the subjects of content-based image/video retrieval and multimedia watermarking were investigated.

Diwametric Project (2002-2006). Leader of STW project focussing on digital image watermarks resistant to geometric attacks.

Dies Natalis

Dies Natalis Lecture (2008). A small project led to the interactive 166th dies natalis lecture, entitled Get Real! Reflections on Trustworthy Virtuality. The full lecture is available on-line.