Software for computation of Euler Riemann problems

This software consists of a Matlab program for computation of Euler Riemann problems with conservative mach-uniform pressure-correction method.

The code is used to generate figures 4, 7 and 10 of:

A Conservative Pressure Correction Method for Compressible Flows at All Speeds ( pdf file)
D.R. van der Heul, C. Vuik and P. Wesseling
Computers and Fluids, 32, 1113-1132, 2003

Click on CONSPRES.tar to download the Matlab programs and give the command

tar -xvf CONSPRES.tar

Click on to download the Matlab programs in zip format.

To run the program start up Matlab and run the main program: EULmach

If you intend to use the software, please do not forget to place the proper acknowledgements.

Contact information: Kees Vuik

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