Scientific Computing on FPGA's

A Field Programmable Gate Array or FPGA is a reconfigurable chip, which facilitate direct implementation of algorithms (or their data intensive parts) as hardware circuits. This enables the development of application specific hardware accelerators, delivering high throughput, low energy and constant latency to solution and very fine grain control over all basic arithmetic operations, their sizes and properties. FPGA based systems enable highly customised, application specific dataformats for each individual fixed and floating point variable but is not limited to the above two types. As a result, FPGA accelerators have seen a rapid adoption by both Industry and Academia especially in the context of high performance computing. The efficient design for FPGA based systems, however, combines three distinct knowledge areas: i) the application specific system architecture to maximally utilise all available compute and interconnect capabilities; ii) dedicated programming tools and languages; and iii) FPGA specific design and programming methodologies.

Please find below some items which are important for the Numerical Analysis Group of the TU Delft.

FPGA Teaching

Delft University of Technology is a recognized member of the Maxeler University Program MAX-UP and as such has access to state-of-the-art Maxeler dataflow computing technology

We offer the course "Programming FPGAs with MaxJ" for the first time on September 23 and 24, 2019. The teachers are Prof. G. Gaydadjiev, Mr. N. Voss, and Dr. C. Strydis.

The next time the course is given on September 23 and 24, 2019, registration. Please consult the flyer for more details.

FPGA Research

The core of our research is how to invent and implement algorithm to solve systems of discretized partial differential equations in an efficient way. Below we give some of the work that has been done and some new Bachelor, Master, and PhD Thesis projects.
Bachelor Projects
Master Projects
PhD Projects

FPGA Software

FPGA Hardware

Contact information: Kees Vuik

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