Iterative solution of the Helmholtz equation
on the iterative solution of the Helmholtz equation has
attracted the interest of the press at the end of 2005.
Software is available.
Please find below a number of press releases:
The paper:
A novel multigrid based preconditioner for heterogeneous Helmholtz problems
Erlangga, Y;Oosterlee, C;Vuik, C
SIAM J SCI COMPUT, 27 (4): 1471-1492, 2006
was the
Emerging Research Front paper
in the field of Mathematics in October 2010.
- September 2006, Erlangga's works is explained on page 11 of
Magazine Monitor, nummer 4, september 2006 of
- April 2006, Erlangga's thesis is selected by the Netherlands
Mechanics Committee
(NMC) as the best 2005 PhD thesis appeared in
the Netherlands within the domain of solid and fluid mechanics. This
committee has nominated the thesis for the "ECCOMAS best PhD Thesis
for the year 2005"
The winner of this award is announced at the
ECCOMAS CFD 2006 congress
on September 7, 2006.
- March 22 2006, an article
appeared in Machazine.
- March 18 2006, an article
(whole page
appeared in De Telegraaf.
- March 2 2006, an article (Dutch) has
appeared on Kennislink.
- January 24 2006, an article (Dutch) has
appeared in the Reformatorisch Dagblad.
- January 23 2006, a radio interview with
Jane Durnford has been broadcasted by
Radio Netherlands. The interview
has been presented within the program:
Science. To
hear the interview go to the site
January 23 2006 and click on the windows player or real player
icon. After a short introduction the Helmholtz solver is discussed
after 18 minutes. You can slide the bar at the top of the Real
PLayer box along to the right, so that the time at the bottom right of
the box reads 18'50 or so, and then press play.
- December 23 2005 Press
release of the TU Delft (Dutch
- At the end of December 2005 the news appeared on a number of

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