GPU implementation of cellular traction forces in agent-based models
Wilbert Gorter
Supervisor TU Delft: Fred Vermolen
Site of the project:
Westlandseweg 40d
2624 AD Delft
Supervisor Vortech: Eli van Es
start of the project: September 2019
In June 2020 the
Interim Thesis
has appeared
and a
has been given.
The Master project has been finished in January 2021
by the completion of the
Masters Thesis
and a final
has been given.
For working address etc. we refer to our
Summary of the master project:
In many applications, think of rock mechanics, mathematical biology, one is faced with mixed dimensional problems.
In the current work, we consider cells that migrate, divide, die, and differentiate through a medium that has much
larger dimensions than the cell. The pulling forces that are exerted by the cells are modelled as point forces on
the segments of the cell boundary. Since the number of cells can grow to large proportions, it is necessary to
have an efficient implementation of the computational framework. In this project, we deal with finite-elements and
cellular interactions where we use a GPU implementation. The current work is an extension of Eline Kleimann's
work, where earlier chemical aspects were taken into account. The current work will allow the computation of
stress and strain fields around the cells. This will be useful for the uncertainty quantification of the
occurrence of contractures in burn injuries.

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