Lecture 14 of 'Scientific Computing' (wi4201)
previous lecture
- The following subjects are discussed:
- Iterative methods for eigenvalue problems
- Applications where eigenvalues are important
- Definition of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Only iterative methods can be used to approximate eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Power method and Krylov methods: Lanczos and Arnoldi
- Critical force to bend a beam, connection with eigenvalue
- Power method to approximate the in absolute value largest
- Example of the Power method
- Amount of work and memory
- Linear convergence of the Power method
- Proof of the convergence result
- Starting vector and stopping criteria
- Shifted power method
- Inverse power method
- Shift and Invert Power method
- Material is described in pages 129-132 of the lecture notes.
Recommended exercises: 8.6.7 and 8.6.9

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