Lecture 2 of 'Scientific Computing' (wi4201)
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- The following subjects are discussed:
- Classification of partial differential equations
- Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the model problem
- Integration of discretization and solving of the linear systems
- Finite difference discretization in 1D and 2D
- In 1D from finite differences to a matrix vector system
- Properties of the coefficient matrix
- The finite difference method in 2D
- Stencil notation
- Ordering of the unknowns, lexicographic, red-black
- Block matrices and the final matrix vector system
- Material is described in pages 6, and 19 - 27 of the lecture notes.
Recommended exercises: 3.12.1 - 3.12.10
- Typo's
- Formula (3.20) (k pi x) should be ((k+1/2) pi x) and k^2 pi^2/4
should be ((k+1/2) pi)^2
- Formula (3.32) left-hand side u_1,j should be u_0,j
- Formula (3.39) sum should run from I = 1 till N+1
- Formula (3.40) sum should run from I = 1 till (N+1)^2

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