2015 SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the
July 1, 2015
Stanford University
Stanford, California USA
Meshless Modeling in Geoscience
Organizers: Alexander Lukyanov
Schlumberger Geoquest, USA
Kees Vuik
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
The goal of the symposium is to bring together all the active
researchers working in various aspects of meshless methods in the
geoscience and to identify the areas for improvements, and formulate key
challenging topics for future research and meetings. Meshless modelling
is a promising approach to facilitate direct simulation of a large
number of different and complex physical processes within the porous
media. Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of different
numerical meshless approaches leads to a better understanding of their
impact on various applications and future research on improving and
extending modeling capabilities.
9:30-9:45 Meshless Multigrid with Rough Coefficients
Houman Owhadi, California Institute of Technology, USA
Partition of Unity Methods: Mass Lumping and Fast Solvers for
Higher Order and Enriched Spaces
Marc A. Schweitzer, Universität Bonn, Germany
10:10-10:25 Large Scale Compuation of Fluid-Solid-Fracturing Using SPH
with Application to Hydro-Fracturing
John R. Williams, Nadir Akinci, Gizem Akinci, Bruce Jones, Kai Pan,
Abel Sanchez, Maitham Aluhbail, Abdulaziz Albaiz, and Zeid Alghareeb,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Peter Tilke,
Schlumberger-Doll Research, USA
Oil and Gas Production Forecasting with Semi-Analytical
Reservoir Simulation
Peter Tilke, Wentao Zhou, Boris Samson, Shalini Krishnamurthy, Jeff
Spath, and Michael Thambynayagam, Schlumberger-Doll Research, USA;
updated Alexander Lukyanov, Schlumberger Geoquest, USA
Extending the Method of Fundamental Solutions to Non
Homogeneous Elastic Wave Propagation Problems
Svilen S. Valtchev, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Meshless Discretization of Generalized Laplace Operator For
Anisotropic Heterogeneous Media
Alexander Lukyanov, Schlumberger-Doll Research, USA; Kees
Vuik, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

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