TU Delft > Algorithmics > Neil Yorke-Smith > News Archive
News Archive
Current news is on my main page.
News (2021)
- Dec21: Accepted paper. EEWC 2021, "Flexible Enterprise Optimization with Constraint Programming"
- Dec21: Examination. PhD examiner for Xiao Sha, Nanyang Technological University
- Nov21: Member. ELLIS
- Nov21: Accepted paper. PLOS ONE, "Optimal Training of Integer-Valued Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming"

- Nov21: Speaker. Bricks, Bits and Behaviour 2021, "Intelligent Control Strategies for Energy Flexibility"
- Nov21: Open position. Postdoc position "High-Performance Social Simulation"
- Nov21: Accepted paper. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Guest Editorial "A High-Impact and Expeditious Journal for Computational and Algorithmic Computer Science Research"
- Nov21: Examination. PhD examiner for Paulo da Costa, TU Eindhoven
- Oct21: Speaker. 35th Dutch Benelux Simulation Society Symposium, "Beirut: Social Simulation for Urban Dynamics"
- Oct21: Accepted paper. BNAIC 2021, "Agent-Based Simulation of Short-Term Peer-to-Peer Rentals: Evidence from the Amsterdam Housing Market" (journal abstract) (journal pdf)

- Oct21: Accepted paper. BNAIC 2021, "Online Learning of Deeper Variable Ordering Heuristics for Constraint Optimisation Problems" (pdf)

- Oct21: Accepted paper. BNAIC 2021, "Localised Reputation in the Prisoner's Dilemma" (pdf)

- Oct21: Supervision. Rico Hageman, MSc, graduated on "Online Lock Scheduling and Disruption Management"
- Oct21: Accepted paper. TRB Annual Meeting 2022, "Activity-Based Freight Transport Modeling: A Surrogate-Based Optimization Model to Estimate Freight Vehicles' Time-Dependent Routing and Scheduling"
- Sep21: Supervision. Erik Wiegel, MSc, graduated on "Decreasing Demand Without Building Houses: Towards Agent-Based Market Analysis of Internal Demand"
- Sep21: Grant. EU Horizon 2020, "Demonstrating Lower Polluting Solutions for Sustainable Airports across Europe"
- Sep21: Open position. PhD position "Data Management and Enhancing Services for Sustainable Traffic and Mobility Management"
- Sep21: Speaker. TAILOR summer school 2021, "Agent-Based Modelling for Social Simulation"
- Sep21: Accepted paper. PTHG 2021 workshop at CP'21, "Online Learning of Deeper Variable Ordering Heuristics for Constraint Optimisation" (pdf)

- Sep21: Open position. Postdoc position "Real-World Combinatorial Optimisation"
- Sep21: Editorial Board. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
- Sep21: Doctoral student. Pascal van de Vaart, Epistemic AI project
- Sep21: Doctoral student. Noah Schutte, Epistemic AI project
- Aug21: Supervision. Yorick de Vries, MSc, graduated on "Reinforcement Learning for Order Distribution in Self-Organizing Logistics"
- Aug21: Project. Epistemic AI website is live
- Aug21: Conference. Sponsorship Co-Chair for ICAPS 2023 in Czech Republic
- Aug21: Accepted paper. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, "Optimisation of Annual Planned Rail Maintenance" (pdf)

- Aug21: Book. Delftse Foundations of Computation v2.0 released

- Aug21: Accepted paper. International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, "Quantifying the Progress of Goals in Intelligent Agents" (pdf)
- Aug21: Editorial Board. Artificial Intelligence Review
- Jul21: Senior Member. Association for Computing Machinery
- Jul21: Supervision. Arjo van Ramshorst, MSc, graduated on "A Generic Approach to Automatically Creating and Evaluating Hybrid Recommender Systems"
- Jul21: Supervision. Robin Faber, MSc, graduated on "Accessible Data Mining for Agent-Based Simulation Models"
- Jul21: Accepted paper. DSO 2021 workshop at IJCAI'21, "Online Learning of Deeper Variable Ordering Heuristics for Constraint Optimisation" (pdf)

- Jul21: Supervision. Sytze Andringa, MSc, graduated on "Applying Constraint Programming to Enterprise Modelling"
- Jun21: Featured article. AI, "A Study of Learning Search Approximation in Mixed Integer Branch and Bound: Node Selection in SCIP"
- May21: Conference. Sponsorship Co-Chair for ICAPS 2022 in Singapore
- May21: Session chair. AAMAS 2021
- May21: Editorial Board. Constraints: An International Journal
- Apr21: Accepted paper. AI, "A Study of Learning Search Approximation in Mixed Integer Branch and Bound: Node Selection in SCIP" (pdf)

- Mar21: Accepted paper. CPAIOR 2021, "Learning Variable Activity Initialisation for Lazy Clause Generation Solvers" (pdf)
- Mar21: Open position. PhD position "Optimal Control of Smart Buildings for Energy Flexibility"
- Feb21: Supervision. Mitchell Deen, MSc, graduated on "Automatic Algorithm Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization for Medical Image Classification"
- Feb21: Grant. MOOI, "Brains for Building's Energy Systems"
- Feb21: Accepted paper. AAMAS 2021, "Towards a Framework for Certification of Reliable Autonomous Systems" (journal abstract) (journal pdf)

- Feb21: Accepted paper. Environment and Planning B, "Agent-Based Simulation of Short-Term Peer-to-Peer Rentals: Evidence from the Amsterdam Housing Market" (pdf)

- Feb21: Dagstuhl organiser. Data-Driven Combinatorial Optimisation (2022)
- Feb21: Teaching. New course Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems
- Feb21: Examination. PhD examiner for Keivan Shariatmadar, KU Leuven
- Feb21: Open positions. PhD positions "Optimisation and Reinforcement Learning with Epistemic Uncertainty"
- Jan21: Supervision. Izaak Geursen, MSc, graduated on "Airline Fleet Planning Problem using Reinforcement Learning"
- Jan21: Supervision. Eva Verboom, MSc, graduated on "Optimal Steel Temperature Control on the Run-Out Table"
- Jan21: Session chair. IJCAI 2020
- Jan21: Accepted paper. Learning Network Architecture During Training workshop at AAAI'21, "Training Integer-Valued Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming" (pdf)

News (2020)
- Dec20: Senior Member. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
- Dec20: Accepted paper. AAAI 2021, "Maintenance of Social Commitments in Multiagent Systems"

- Dec20: Accepted paper. DSO 2020 workshop at IJCAI'20, "On Training Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming" (pdf)

- Dec20: Accepted paper. DSO 2020 workshop at IJCAI'20, "Towards Unsatisfiable Core Learning for Chuffed" (pdf)

- Nov20: Conference. Community and Diversity Co-Chair for IJCAI 2020 in Japan (virtual)
- Nov20: Award. Best Student Paper at BNAIC'20
- Oct20: Accepted paper. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, "Agent-Based Simulation of West Asian Urban Dynamics: Impact of Refugees" (pdf)

- Oct20: Grant. EU Horizon 2020, "Epistemic AI"
- Oct20: Accepted paper. Constraints, "A New Constraint Programming Model and Solving for the Cyclic Hoist Scheduling Problem" (pdf)

- Oct20: Accepted paper. BNAIC 2020, "Cooperation in Harsh Environments: The Effects of Noise in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma" (pdf)

- Sep20: Book review. Prometheus, "Responsible Artificial Intelligence (book review)" (pdf)

- Sep20: Accepted paper. Energy, "Electricity Markets for DC Distribution Systems: Locational Pricing Trumps Wholesale Pricing" (pdf)

- Sep20: Supervision. Thomas Puppels, MSc, graduated on "An Investigation into Predict-and-Optimize Machine Learning"
- Sep20: Doctoral student. Eghonghon Eigbe, SAM-FMS project
- Sep20: Accepted paper. KEPS 2020 workshop at ICAPS'20, "NLtoPDDL: One-Shot Learning of PDDL Models from Natural Language Process Manuals" (pdf)

- Sep20: Supervision. Koen Snel, MSc, graduated on "Predicting Buckling and Plasticity of Finite Element Models Using Machine Learning"
- Sep20: Session chair. CP 2020
- Sep20: Preprint. "On Training Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming" (arxiv)

- Sep20: Accepted paper. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, "Towards a Framework for Certification of Reliable Autonomous Systems" (pdf)

- Sep20: Conference. Novel Applications Track Co-Chair for ICAPS 2021 in China
- Aug20: Supervision. Floris Doolaard, MSc, graduated on "Deepification: Learning Variable Ordering Heuristics in Constraint Optimization Problems"
- Aug20: Speaker. STEP Anywhere 2020, "Growing Tomatoes with Artificial Intelligence"
- Aug20: Book. Delftse Foundations of Computation v1.2 released

- Aug20: Accepted paper. PTHG 2020 workshop at CP'20, "Towards Unsatisfiable Core Learning for Chuffed" (pdf)

- Jul20: Supervision. Ronald van Driel, MSc, graduated on "Unsatisfiable Core Learning for Chuffed"
- Jul20: Supervision. Jaap-Jan van der Steeg, MSc, graduated on "Berth Planning and Disruption Recovery: A Simulation Approach"
- Jul20: Supervision. Kaan Yilmaz, MSc, graduated on "Learning Efficient Search Approximation in Mixed Integer Branch and Bound"
- Jul20: Supervision. Tomas Þorbjarnarson, MSc, graduated cum laude on "Training Neural Networks with Discrete Optimization Solvers"
- Jul20: Preprint. "Learning Efficient Search Approximation in Mixed Integer Branch and Bound" (arxiv)

- Jul20: Supervision. Rukai Yin, MSc, graduated on "Applying Machine Learning to Learn System Dynamics Models for Urban Systems"
- Jun20: Supervision. Dennis van Peer, MSc, graduated on "Dynamically Pricing Tickets for Cultural Venues"
- Jun20: Accepted paper. INDIN 2020, "Towards Optimal Demand-Side Bidding in Parallel Auctions for Time-Shiftable Electrical Loads" (pdf)
- Jun20: Competition. Team Automatoes won the final of the Autonomous Greenhouses International Challenge 2020
- May20: Open position. PhD position "Constraint Based Real-Time Scheduling for Manufacturing Systems"
- May20: Doctoral student. Lara Scavuzzo, OPTIMAL project
- Apr20: Conference. Co-Chair for IAAI 2021 in Canada (virtual)
- Apr20: Editorial Board. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Mar20: Lorentz Center participant. Rigorous Automated Planning (2020) (cancelled due to COVID-19)
- Mar20: Examination. PhD examiner for Xiaoming Li, Nanyang Technological University
- Mar20: Grant. EU Horizon 2020, "Foundations of Trustworthy AI -- Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization" (TAILOR)
- Feb20: Accepted poster. ICT.OPEN 2020, "Combined Heat and Power Markets by Double-Sided Auction Mechanisms"
- Jan20: Accepted paper. CPAIOR 2020, "A New Constraint Programming Model and Solving for the Cyclic Hoist Scheduling Problem" (abstract | pdf)
- Jan20: Preprint. "Towards a Framework for Certification of Reliable Autonomous Systems" (arxiv)

- Jan20: Supervision. Lara Scavuzzo, MSc, graduated cum laude on "Learning Variable Selection Rules for the Branch-and-Bound Algorithm via Reinforcement Learning"
News (2019)
- Dec19: Supervision. Johanna Korte, MSc, graduated on "An Aircraft and Schedule Integrated Approach to Improve Cockpit Crew Pairings"
- Dec19: Grant. NWO Mastering Complexity, "Scheduling Adaptive Modular Flexible Manufacturing Systems" (SAM-FMS)
- Dec19: Accepted paper. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, "Time/Sequence-Dependent Scheduling: The Design and Evaluation of a General Purpose Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search Algorithm" (doi)

- Dec19: Supervision. Lei He, PhD, graduated on "Agile Satellite Co-dispatch Model and Algorithm" (NUDT, China)
- Nov19: Book chapter. Energy and Behaviour: Challenges of a Low-Carbon Future, "Agent-Based Modelling of the Social Dynamics of Energy End-Use" (doi)
- Oct19: Supervision. Loubna Aammari, MSc, graduated on "Solving the Less-Than-Container Load Shipping Problem over Multiple Ports"
- Oct19: Supervision. Ombretta Strafforello, MSc, graduated on "Multimodal Information Extraction from Videos"
- Oct19: Accepted paper. Computers & Industrial Engineering, "Order Acceptance and Scheduling with Sequence-dependent Setup Times: A New Memetic Algorithm and Benchmark of the State of the Art" (doi)
- Oct19: Seminar. TU Eindhoven, "Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search for Time/Sequence-Dependent Scheduling Problems with Time Windows"
- Sep19: Supervision. Benjamin Los, MSc, graduated on "Using Clickstream Data and Representation Learning to Understand User Interests in Order to Recommend Vacations"
- Sep19: Competition. Team Automatoes qualified for the final of the Autonomous Greenhouses International Challenge 2019-20
- Sep19: Visitor. Sibel Salman from Koç University
- Aug19: Book. Delftse Foundations of Computation v1.1 released

- Aug19: Supervision. Shivam Miglani, MSc, graduated on "One-Shot Learning of Planning Domains from Natural Language Process Manuals"
- Aug19: Supervision. Zequn Zhou, MSc, graduated on "Automatic Classification of Satellite Data of Informal Urban Settlements"
- Aug19: Proceedings. SPARK 2019 workshop post-proceedings (pdf)

- Aug19: Conference. Co-Chair for IAAI 2020 in USA
- Jul19: Supervision. Joe Chen, MSc, graduated on "Trunk-Branch Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for Large Scale, Few-Shot Video-to-Still Face Recognition"
- Jul19: Lorentz Center participant. Agent-Based Models for Exploring Public Policy Planning
- Jul19: Accepted paper. EEM 2019, "Markets for Direct Current Distribution Systems: Towards Energy-based vs. Flex-based Designs"
- Jul19: Dagstuhl organiser. Data-Driven Combinatorial Optimisation (2020) (cancelled due to COVID-19)
- Jul19: Accepted paper. Energies, "Electricity Markets for DC Distribution Systems: Design Options" (doi)

- Jul19: Supervision. Menno Oudshoorn, MSc, graduated cum laude on "Solving a Real-World Rail Maintenance Scheduling Problem using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms"
- Jul19: Accepted paper. Group Decision and Negotiation, "The Lemon Car Game Across Cultures: Evidence of Relational Rationality" (doi)

- Jun19: Accepted paper. ISGT-Europe 2019, "Combined Heat and Power Markets by Double-Sided Auction Mechanisms" (pdf)
- Jun19: Accepted paper. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, "Coordinated Optimization of Equipment Operations in a Container Terminal" (doi)

- Jun19: Seminar. University of Macedonia, "Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search for Time/Sequence-Dependent Scheduling Problems with Time Windows"
- May19: Seminar. KU Leuven, "Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search for Time/Sequence-Dependent Scheduling Problems with Time Windows"
- May19: Conference. Programme Co-Chair for AAMAS 2020 in New Zealand
- May21: Session chair. AAMAS 2019
- May19: Panellist. AAMAS'19 Doctoral Consortium panel
- May19: Accepted paper. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, "A Coupled Operational Semantics for Goals and Commitments" (doi)

- Apr19: Visitor. Mark Wallace from Monash University
- Apr19: Supervision. Arnold Overwater, MSc, graduated on "Agent-Based Simulation on Social Factors in the Amsterdam Housing Market"
- Mar19: Dagstuhl participant. Engineering Reliable Multiagent Systems
- Mar19: Accepted poster. CPAIOR 2019, "Cyclic Hoist Scheduling: Experiments with Modern Solvers"
- Feb19: Teaching. New course Algorithms for Intelligent Decision Making
- Feb19: Accepted paper. ABMUS 2019 workshop at AAMAS'19, "Hot Housing: A Study of Bidding Strategies in the Dutch Urban Residential Market"
- Feb19: Accepted paper. ICAPS 2019, "Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search for Time/Sequence-Dependent Scheduling Problems with Time Windows" (pdf)

- Feb19: Book. Delftse Foundations of Computation downloaded 5000 times in six months

- Jan19: Workshop. Co-chair of Scheduling and Planning Applications workshop at ICAPS'19
- Jan19: Speaker. Dutch Institute for Programming Research and Algorithmics, "Constraint Programming"
- Jan19: Accepted poster. ICT.OPEN 2019, "Monitoring Norms: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective"