This page shows the possibilities for BSc and MSc student projects in KaLKMaNLaB. When you have a project proposal of your own or you want to know more details, please contact KaLKMaNLaB.
Student projects
BSc projects/internships
Diverse BSc projects are available and their scope varies regularly. Please contact us if you are interested in a BSc end project on optical tomography. Do you need contacts with a company for an internship. Let us known and we can make the first connection to a company working in the field of optical imaging and sensing.
When you are looking for an internship we have contacts with various companies. We can bring you into contact with the right people.
Multi-wavelength optical diffraction tomography (MSc)
The future of imaging is 3D. In this project you will develop a new 3D imaging method based on optical diffraction tomography (ODT). ODT is an imaging modality capable of acquiring 3D images of the refractive index of an object. ODT is based on measuring projections of the phase of light travelling through an object. An example of ODT is show below where we have imaged a zebrafish in 3D. Currently, ODT is limited to optically cleared tissue as it is incompatible with the presence of optical attenuation in the form of absorption or scattering. To widen the applicability of ODT it would be very advantageous if the technique could be applied to mildly or non-cleared tissues as well.
The goal of this MSc. project is to explore the use of multi-wavelength ODT to accomplish 3D imaging of attenuating tissues. You will do this utilizing the knowledge and technology of optical coherence tomography to perform time gating of the acquired optical field.
Optical diffraction tomography of optically cleared clinical tissue samples (MSc)
Currently, clinical tissue diagnostics is performed in 2D on sliced tissue that is stained for further microscopic analysis. Recently, we developed optical diffraction tomography (ODT) as a large-scale high sensitivity imaging technique for 3D structural imaging of optically cleared tissue biopsies. ODT is an imaging modality capable of acquiring 3D images of the refractive index or birefringence of an object of millimeter sized samples. Phase contrast ODT is based on measuring projections of the phase of light traveling through an object and reconstructing them in 3D with computed tomography techniques.
In this project you will set-up the ODT system and perform measurements of the phase contrast during optical clearing of clinically relevant samples and help to validate newly developed image analysis tools.