Department of Imaging Physics, Delft University of Technology



On this page you find a list in reverse chronological order of the KaLKMaNLaB proceedings and book chapters.


- Accurate estimation of the attenuation coefficient from axial point spread function corrected OCT scans of a single layer phantom
B. Ghafaryasl, K. A. Vermeer, J. Kalkman, T. Callewaert, J. F. de Boer, L. J. van Vliet, Proc. SPIE 10483 (2018) Pdf
- Doppler optical coherence tomography signals: analysis in low and high scattering media
A. V. Bykov and J. Kalkman, Handbook of Coherent-Domain Optical Methods
Springer Science Business Media New York, 2013, p. 923 Pdf