Accuracy of the discretisation used in CONTACT
Niels van der Wekken
Supervisor: Kees Vuik
Site of the project:
Martinus Nijhoflaan 2/19
2624 ES Delft
Daily supervisor VORtech:
Edwin Vollebregt
start of the project: April 2016
In June 2016 the
Interim Thesis
has appeared
and a
has been given.
The Master project has been finished in August 2017
by the completion of the
Masters Thesis
and a final
has been given.
For working address etc. we refer to our
Summary of the master project:
It appears that in time dependent simulations ("transient
rolling") non-physical wiggles appear when the time step dt << dx/V.
In this project an investigation is done to understand why the wiggles
appear and how they can be circumvented.
Another issue is that the computing time of CONTACT increases with the
number of elements (O(h^-3)), whereas the discretisation error only
decreases as O(h). The aim is to develop a numerical method which is
second order accurate, so the discretisation error is O(h^2).
For both issues it seems to be a good idea to use piecewise linear
polynomials in stead of piecewise constant polynomials. This will be the
starting point for the research in this project.

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